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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Miss. Xia     26 years old      2009/4      Huanggang, Hubei Province

She had a excessive vaginal fluid , pain in low abdomen and in the waist for two years. Her ureaplasma urealyticum test result was positive and she had been diagnosed with PID and cervicitis. She had taken some treatment with western medicine but the symptoms were still there and the ureaplasma urealyticum test result was still positive. She found on the internet that Fuyan Pill can cure PID and cervicitis caused by ureaplasma urealyticum infection. Then she chose to take treatment with Fuyan Pill under my instruction to keep a required diet.  She was very serious about the treatment so she kept required diet for three months when taking the treatment. And after three months medicition, her vaginal fluid became normal and her symptoms almost eliminated. She was worried about the ureaplasma urealyticum test result which was still positeve. I told her it is a false positive so she required another two months medication. Two months later, the ureaplasma urealyticum test result was negative. She was so thankful for me to cure her disease because she was around the age of getting married and she had been very painful about the disease.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2010/1202/27.html


Cervicitis and Chlamydia Infection

Cervicitis and Chlamydia Infection

Mrs. Liao      40 years old        2009/9       Doctor        Xiangxi, Hunan Province

She had a excessive purulent vaginal fluid, itch in the vulva, pain in low abdomen, irregular menstruation, frequency urinating, urinate urgency, and pain when urinating for four years. She took a test of pathogen and the result was poritive and she was diagnosed with cervicitis and chlamydia infection. She had taken many kinds of western medicines and non of them cured her. As a result, she came to take my treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. She took Fuyan pill for four months and then she took a test in hospital. She came and told me the result was negative with excite, and she required another months medication to consolidate the effect. She also said that her colleges were very surprised with her recovery, because they all knew that patients who had been infected with chlamydia for four years can hardly be cured. It is Fuyan Pill that have helped her to get rid of the disease.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2010/1202/29.html

Is Preventing Endometriosis Symptoms Possible

Is Preventing Endometriosis Symptoms Possible

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disorder, which affects around 15% of all women. The symptoms are infertility, pelvic pain, painful intercourse, heavy periods, constipation and diarrhea and back pain. Due to the nature of the symptoms endometriosis threatens both the psychological and physical health of sufferers and finding ways of preventing endometriosis symptoms is a key goal for many women.

There are four stages of endometriosis:

Stage 1 - minimal (surface endometriosis and filmy adhesions)

Stage 2 - mild (surface and deep endometriosis, plus filmy adhesions)

Stage 3 - moderate (surface and deep endometriosis, filmy and thick adhesions)

Stage 4 - severe (surface and deep endometriosis, thick adhesions)

Although, there doesn't appear to be much difference between these four stages it is the size and density of areas effected that determine which stage the endometriosis has reached.

Because the symptoms mimic a number of other conditions, endometriosis is one of the most mis-diagnosed conditions. Some women suffer for years from unexplained gynecological problems before an endometriosis diagnosis is given.

The reason for the delay in diagnosis and the mis-diagnosis is because the only way to accurately diagnose endometriosis is by performing exploratory surgery and looking.

There are a number of ways that you help yourself to ease the symptoms of endometriosis.

1. Taking an NSAID can help with reducing the inflammation caused by endometriosis and also alleviate the associated pain. Although avoid drugs which contain codeine as these can worsen endometriosis symptoms.

2. Take warm baths can help to ease the pain by increasing blood flow to the abdomen.

3. Put a heating pad or a hot water bottle on the abdomen. Let it stay there until the pain subsides.

4. Supplements can be useful in easing pain. Oil of Evening primrose has proven effective for both endometriosis and PMS sufferers.

5. Ask your doctor which prescription pain relief drugs you can take. Make sure that you are not allergic to these. Also, if you do not want to get pregnant ask about hormonal treatment to see if controlling your estrogen levels will help to reduce pain.

6. Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that has had good results for endometriosis sufferers. Make sure you chose a practitioner that has dealt with endometriosis before.

7. Low impact exercises such as walking and swimming can help to ease symptoms. When we exercise our bodies release endorphins, or feel good chemicals, that can help prevent the pain felt from endometriosis symptoms.

There are a number of other ways to control endometriosis naturally, so sign up for the free newsletter below and discover tips for preventing endometriosis symptoms effectively.

Article Source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Endometriosis/2013/1113/541.html

Endometriosis Symptoms - Diagnosing the Cause

Endometriosis Symptoms - Diagnosing the Cause

endometriosis symptoms are often painful and the disease itself is hard to diagnose. Often the symptoms themselves lead to a preliminary diagnosis but the only way to get a definitive diagnosis is physically seeing endometrial lesions inside the abdominal cavity. Laparoscopic surgery is the preferred way to see inside the abdomen to make an accurate diagnosis.

Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrial cells that normally stay in the uterus get into the abdomen. These cells then attach and implant themselves on some of the organs in the abdominal cavity. The most common organs affected include the ovaries, fallopian tubes and large intestine. There are cases where endometriosis symptoms occur when the endometrial cells implant on the lungs, skin, or inside the vagina or bladder; these are rare occurrences though.

Endometrial cells, no matter where they are in the body, react to a woman's monthly hormonal cycle by accumulating nutrient rich blood. In the uterus this is a natural occurrence as it prepares to receive a fertilized egg. Outside the uterus this is not natural. When a woman's period begins the blood and other nutrient rich material sloughs off the uterus and exits her body. Endometrial cells in the abdomen follow this same pattern except the blood and tissue accumulates in the abdomen since it has no way to leave her body.

Many women find that the symptoms of endometriosis do worsen just before and during their period. A woman's body is able to slowly absorb and remove the excess blood and tissue in her abdomen but it does take time. The excessive amounts of blood and tissue accumulating in the abdomen will begin to cause other health issues before her body is able to remove the offending material.

endometriosis symptoms - What Causes the Pain and Fatigue

Any foreign object or material trapped in the body creates irritation. Think about a splinter stuck in your finger. The bloody tissue trapped in a woman's abdomen irritates the abdominal wall and organs which leads to the formation of cysts. Cysts can do a number of things including bleeding or bursting which in turn can form scar tissue and adhesions. Internal scar tissue and adhesions are one of the sources of endometriosis symptoms as they can bind a woman's internal organs together creating discomfort and pain.

The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain, particularly during a woman's period. In many cases the woman will attribute these symptoms to her period while not understanding that they are being caused by endometriosis.

The amount of endometrial cells implanted in the abdominal cavity doesn't always correspond with the severity of the endometriosis symptoms a woman may experience. Medical research has found that women with small amounts of endometriosis may experience greater pain then women with large amounts of endometriosis. The symptoms may be dependent on where the endometrial tissue is and how sensitive it is to a woman's hormone levels.

Endometriosis symptoms affect many women in different ways. While some women only experience symptoms during the menstrual period others are affected by constant discomfort and pain throughout the month.

Discomfort during or after sex is also another common symptom of endometriosis. For many women the pain during sex can be so great that it becomes impossible for them to have sexual intercourse.

Another endometriosis symptom that doesn't affect all women is called secondary dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful menstrual cramps. Secondary dysmenorrhea is painful menstrual cramps caused by a physical problem such as endometriosis.

When endometrial cells attach themselves to the major organs like the large intestine or bladder it can cause abdominal swelling. The cysts, adhesions and scar tissue created by endometriosis can also cause painful bowel movements and urination, rectal bleeding and nausea and vomiting.

One of the more chronic endometriosis symptoms is constant fatigue. The constant discomfort and pain it causes can be exhausting to most women. Factor in the energy the body expends trying to rid itself of the blood and tissue that accumulates in the abdomen and it's easy to see why it can cause such extreme fatigue. Many women who have endometriosis are at risk for suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome too.

Endometriosis Symptoms - Diagnosis and Treatment

The first step for any woman to get a proper diagnosis for endometriosis is scheduling an appointment with her gynecologist. Going over the endometriosis symptoms with her doctor can be the first clue that she may indeed have this disease. Only then can a proper treatment plan be put in place to help manage the symptoms it causes.

Article Source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Endometriosis/2013/1113/541.html

Endometriosis Symptoms - Diagnosing the Cause

Healthy Prostate Diet Helps To Keep Prostate Cancer at Bay

Healthy Prostate Diet Helps To Keep Prostate Cancer at Bay

Millions of men each year are diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer. The cancer that has not spread beyond prostate gland is called as early-stage and can be successfully treated with effective treatment options that include surgery, radiation therapy, and a "watch and wait" strategy called active surveillance. According to the latest study published online diet is an important add-on and suggests that eating more foods that deliver healthy vegetable oils can help fight the second leading cause of cancer death in men. Healthy prostate is a fortunate return you acquire if you eat a balanced diet your whole life.

As popularly said, ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' thus keeping your body healthy through exercise and water will reduce your risk of prostate cancer, overcome the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, and lead to better prostate health.

Since we believe that health is a wealth all the men reaching the age of 40 needs to be cautious about their prostate health. Chances of developing prostate cancer increase with unhealthy lifestyle. Healthy prostate diet can help you keep prostate cancer at bay. An enlarged prostate gland is a dangerous symptom of many other afflictions associated with it such as Chronic Prostatitis, Acute Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer. Prostate enlargement can result in the problems of genital pain, erectile problems like erectile dysfunction, pain during seminal discharge loss of libido etc. It is best to consult a doctor to diagnose and find out the exact cause behind an enlarged prostate.

According to prostate massage therapy experts the problems of enlarged prostate can be solved with healthy diet and regular exercise schedules. Healthy prostate diet tips will solve and reduce the potential risk of developing the problems with the prostate gland. You can try prostate supplements that come under healthy prostate health recommendations for men. For fixing enlarged prostate gland dietary pills and supplements like super beta prostate have been handy and effective.

Eating healthier fats from vegetables, canola oils, nuts and olive oil, seeds and avocados prove beneficial for men to ward off chances of prostate cancer. Moreover dietary improvements can be an important way to lower the death risk among men whose prostate cancer has not spread.

The causes of expanding prostate gland are not known but the condition is largely linked to several factors. It can be the resultant action of a bacterial infection or decreased immune function. Many find enlarged prostate as a result of weakening muscles. In addition to the role of genetics and aging, proper diet also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy prostate.



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